If you want to get more and more and visitors to your blog you need to manage some thing that you can increase your traffic.
It depends on something and it is from my personal experience and i think that i can share with you.
1: how many articles i mean contents for example if you have two thousand articles in your blog then it is sure you will get at least 5000 visitors daily and also you will get at least 12000 page views daily. so the secret is content.
2: ok you have two thousand articles you also need to provide that they contain fresh content and if you provide fresh content then your blog will rank higher in google and in search engine and also people will like your articles and content and they will give you link and this will make your blog traffic.
3: you also need to maintain some popular topics and look for topic that related to daily work of people and look for some topics that is done daily by people and fresh content is important and very important for blog traffic.
There are so many different things related for blog traffic but these three is in the top most position and if you maintain these three then you will sure enough that you will one step ahed in online money.
Ok guys see you later......... enjoy.........