ok so we are looking for how to google adsense code or how to show google adsense ads in middle of blogger post. Now if i ask you how to do that ; probably the easy way that anyone can say ok i just add the google adsense code in middle of my blog post i mean that when i write a blog post i can click on edit html tab and can put google adsense code anywhere in my blog post hmmm..... ok thats a good way to show google adsense in blogger post. And for this you need to open your google adsense code all the time and everytime you need to copy the code and then paste it into the blogger post and this is the only one way hmm this is good and you know that exactly in what place you add your google adsense code.
But in here we are looking for something like reuseable code and that is why we will add our code in our template and then we do not need to copy and paste the code over and over again. if you know content management system that in cms there is index file and in index file you just add a code and it will show up in your whole website. or you just add code in your cms template and then it also works good.
ok but in blogger we will add the code in our blogger template. and we all know how to edit the blogger template.
just visit the layout tab and then click on edit html and you will be able to edit your blogger template. and in here we will look for the template code where our blog post related code goes and which code makes the design of blog post and we will edit that code and paste our google adsense code there and our blog post design will be change then. and we dont need to copy and paste the code of google adsense in our blog post over and over again.
i will give you download link of the code and i think you donwload that and there is also readme file and you follow the instruction that i give you there and then add this nice widget in blogger blog... ok see you guys....... enojoy........